Jealousy is feeling threatened, protective, or fearful of losing one's position or situation to someone else.  Envy is the painful feeling of wanting what someone else has or is. …

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NOTHING is Chance 

Tree Prison RECIPROCAL means given, felt, or done in return.  Creating a feedback loop or cycle.  Binding two parties/energies and intent equally to an agreement, mutual action, obligation or relationship. …

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Lies/deception/misdirected thought patterns, anger/upsets/resistance/woundings impact or imprint’s frequency remain as unbalanced energy in our multidimensional DNA grid system or our aura as dense dark stuck energy, which is present in…

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Not frozen in the past or future which is ONLY a distraction from the present.   Your access point to adjust and change your thoughts and perceptions is in your…

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Established HARMONY

Established harmony is the entrainment of synchronized oscillating quantum particle’s resonance and intent together.  That homogenize’s to make a uniform similar resonance, brainwave, thought pattern, consciousness, ideas, intent and values.…

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You NEED You

The only one that NEEDS to accept and value you is you.  YOU are the one withholding your acceptance and appreciation of you exactly as you are, because YOU blame,…

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